5th and Waverly, 20x16 oil on panel (in progress) |
Well, I have been absent from the blog for some days now. MIA you might say as we have been on the road again. I had planned on getting back to work on Monday after our return, however, I returned home with some sort of flu like symptoms so it wasn't until today that I was able to work on 5th and Waverly. It took a little while to get into the rhythm of it again but I feel it is well underway. I actually got further than this today but I took the photo while the sun was out not knowing how long it would last. We sure have had a wet time of it!
Also, today my Airfloat Strongbox arrived in which I will pack "Along the Old Potowmack Canal" to send to New York for the American Artists Professional League"s 83rd Grand National Exhibit. These boxes make shipping so much easier. They are designed specifically for artworks and are reusable. The box is puncture free and lined with foam. In the middle is an inch thick piece of foam that is perforated in one inch increments. What you do is punch out a space large enough for the painting to be cradled in. This way it is laying on, surrounded by and then covered with another sheet of foam. All you have to do is tape the box shut and ship. When the painting is returned it just has to be popped back in the box, retaped and sent home. A very nice system. Most of the major national shows prefer them or actually require them.
I expect 5th and Waverly to be finished in the next couple of days and I will also be starting another painting the subject of which will be the Key Bridge and Rosslyn Virginia as seen from across the Potomac. The palette will be somewhat similar to this painting.
My plein air painting has slowed due to travel and weather but you should expect to start seeing new pieces posted soon. I will be painting at the Alexandria Art and Wine Festival on October 9th so if you are planning on being there please stop by and say hello. I will post more about the festival tomorrow.