Friday, May 10, 2013

Starting Up!

1st day of painting (untitled) 24x30 oil on linen
     I finally got a good start on the new painting today.  I began with bright natural light but soon had to turn on the studio lights as the sky darkened with the approaching thunder storm.  I decided to call it a day at this point. The shadow you see across the sky of the painting is the top of my easel.

     It was a little risky starting this today because tomorrow I have an all day committment that will not permit me time to paint.  I filled as much of the canvas as I could and used a more loaded brush than I usually use at this stage.  I was planning ahead wanting to be sure to be able to work wet into wet on Sunday. So far so good !

                                                                                               I remembered to take photos along the way so you can see my process.  It is also good for me to have a record of what procedure I used.  There are actually times I can't remember how I painted a particular painting!

     This is the very beginning of the painting.  I used an underpainting of cadmium orange, alizarin crimson and yellow ochre, all in a very thin film. I used alizarin crimson and ultramarine blue to sketch in the composition.
     I really don't need my reference studies at this point as the painting will progress on its own.  I will be making decisions based on what works with what is already on the canvas.

     Little by little I am updating my website so if you haven't visited in a while here is the  I haven't added the Mini Series page yet but it is coming:)

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